What is the FTTH drop cable and How to use it

FTTH drop cable is outdoor terminal fiber cable to connect the fiber optic termination boxes or other outdoor equipment. It can be installed by aerial, underground or buried. Since it is typical small diameter and low fiber count, the drop cable shall have a minimum pull strength of 1335 Newtons according to the industry standard.

There are some different structures of FTTH drop cable in the market. The widely used in market is self-supporting type drop cable GJXCH/GJXFCH ( as picture1) and bow type GJXH/GJXFH( as picture2).

1 core ftth drop cable structure for outdoor to indoor to connector terminal splitter box or termial box

1 core ftth drop cable with self support wire


bow ftth drop cable structure for

1core indoor bow drop cable

What is the different between GJXCH and GJXH?

And What is the difference of their operation?

As the picture show, the GJXCH has more 1 steel wire than GJXH. The pull tensile of GJXCH is more strong than GJXH. Usually GJXCH is widely used outdoor for building to building for long distance.

But it does not mean GJXCH is more suitable for termination installation. We also need to consider which one is more economic. If your cable is installed in duct or in side of building or just very short distance aerially (<80m), the bow type GJXH is enough. And it is also more economic than self-supporting type cables.

How to connect FTTH drop cable? By splice or connector?

If you have a splice machine, you splice it in heat shrink tube by splice If you do not have the expansive splice machine, you can choose the mechanical splices. It is much cheap and simple. It can be operated by hand easily.( the way to use mechanical splice),Then do not forget to put heat shrink tube or mechanical splice in a mini protection box to protect the exposed fibers.

How to choose the Right Connector

There are two types of connectors for FTTH drop cable connection. Field terminated connector, which contains fuse-on connector and mechanical connector(fast connector) that is pre-terminated drop cable, which is factory terminated with connector on the end of drop cable. And this pre-termination drop cable, we call it FTTH drop cable patch cords(shown in the following picture).


Fuse-on connector needs the same technology as fusion splicing to provide the high optical connection performance. However, it requires expensive equipment like fusion splicing and highly trained technician. If you have no limits in cost and want high performance termination in a time-save and cost-save way, this drop cable patch cords is your choice. Our factory can pre-splice the connectors in our factory, according to your requirement of the cable length, the fiber type and connector type.


Choosing the right FTTH drop cable and fiber optic drop cable termination method is as important as choosing the right network architecture in FTTH. If you have anything not understand, you can contact us by email: info@fttxtelecom.com to learn more. Free charge of inquiry.